Sonitrol of Polk County – The Leader in Security

With over fifty years of experience protecting businesses, churches, and schools around the world, Sonitrol is the third largest commercial security company in North America. Sonitrol systems provide floor to ceiling, wall to wall, 100 % volumetric protection.


Our security systems are designed by our team and tailored to your property to fit your specific needs. We offer audio intrusion alarms, access control, cameras, video monitoring, fire systems, panic buttons, and more.


Our Central Station is open 365 days a year, around the clock, so you can trust our team will keep an eye on your facility when you are away. Whether you arm your system when you leave for the night or press a panic button during business hours because of a daytime threat, we will keep your business secure. We have even added the latest in security products, Gunshot Detection technology, for active shooter situations.


In the event of an emergency, our team verifies the alarm and dispatches police or fire, depending on the situation. With a proven record of verifying alarms and being a leader in security, police know they can trust Sonitrol. Our criminal apprehension rate is 182,704 and counting.


If you’d like to see how Sonitrol can protect your commercial property, contact us for a free quote and consultation at (800)444-1191.



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